Sunday, April 29, 2012

Taxation: Theft or Charity?

Some argue that taxation is a mechanism for collectively achieving social good.

Others claim that it is little more than extortion, with the force of law behind it.

Who's right?

As one with Libertarian leanings, I gravitate toward the latter.  But... it's mostly because I object to much of what our taxes are used for.  It's hard for me to see our global military presence as achieving social good, for example.  A social safety net is something I can support - if it's handled right.

Even in a fairly positive example from the Bible of when taxes were used for a good purpose (Genesis 41), the rich still got richer.  Joseph taxed the people at a 20% rate during good years when everyone was making profit, and built up surplus grain as a safety net (much like our strategic oil reserves).  When famine came, the surplus was ready, and was ridiculously excessive in size.

But how was it distributed?  The government SOLD it back to the people!  Sold it, not gave it.  Foreign trade went through the roof, too, as other nations bought grain from Egypt.  You think that Pharaoh might have made himself a little coin off the turn?  Tax it (get it for free...) and then sell it (make something off of nothing).  Even when the intent is sound and noble, the execution is flawed, per Ecclesiastes 5:8-9:

"If you see the poor oppressed in a district, and justice and rights denied, do not be surprised at such things; for one official is eyed by a higher one, and over them both are others higher still. The increase from the land is taken by all; the king himself profits from the fields."

Perhaps if the vast majority of our taxes went toward things that I think really do achieve social good (in countrywide, comprehensive ways that private charity can't match), I would be less fussy about it.  Maybe I'd be a die-hard socialist/collectivist, if my taxes were doing real and permanent good for those most in need of it, and it were administered without incompetence and graft.  But until that happens, I will continue to feel extorted, and send the government its required tribute through gritted teeth (and so at least manage to stay out of jail where I might do some real good with my after-tax funds).

Keep your guns holstered, you revenuers.  I'll pay, I'll pay.  But I will definitely work through proper channels (read: the election process) to reduce your reach.

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