Monday, April 02, 2012

A Perennially Favorite Day

... that's the day in Spring when the petals drop like so many snowflakes from the flowering crab trees. They lay like a throw rug (or rather, a tree skirt) on the carpet of the freshly greened-up lawn,

or drift up against a curb, swept there by the breeze to puddle.

When I can bend down, scoop up an overflowing handful of pink or white or red petals, feel their cool and slightly moist organic touch on my hand, still feeling full of life, and then

let them trickle through my fingers back to the ground...

that's a Spring day to remember, and one to watch for every year. When that day comes, everything around me is bursting, sprawling, spreading, smelling great, and showing off.

Six months later, Autumn has its own dazzling, drying, dying, crisping, drifting and rustling corollary - another perennial favorite. :)

If only we could go straight from one to the other without those extremeties of Summer and Winter in between...

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