Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Last Imperialists

In one of my recent Seminary classes, I studied the nature of imperialism and what it might look like today. The Roman Empire was certainly one historical example, as were the Ottoman, Spanish and British versions later on, followed by German and Japanese attempts, as well as one by the former Soviet Union. The authors in my class argued that the empire du jour is not one nation gobbling up a bunch of others as colonies, but Global Consumerism, facilitated by the advance forces of American Democracy and the internet.

An argument could be made that the American desire to advance our interests (and Democracy) around the world is a type of imperialism. We here see it as benign, even benevolent, but it could also be seen as imperial, for it involves us deciding what is right and what is best for everyone else. And... it does involve establishing a military presence in the territories of our allies (who may at one point have been enemies, but once conquered, became our friends).

The news this week was that our "progressive" President, Mr. Obama, has joined the long tradition of making strategic deals with allies to establish military outposts far from our shores (much like the Romans did... before they fell from neglect of the empire's internal health). This time it was the Australians who get to have our Marines in situ (in exchange, no doubt, for some unspecified amount of foreign aid and favorable trade treatment) - 2,500 of them in fact.

I wonder: why is it that we are the only nation who can do this at will? Why can we freely rest our hand on the neck of our "friends" as we walk along (like I used to do with my son when I wanted to get him to do what I thought would be best for him...and me)?

Why is it that England doesn't have a base for their Marines along Cape Cod? Why doesn't Japan have troops and planes in Honolulu? Why doesn't Germany have a forward air base near Columbus? I mean... they're our allies now, right? Just because we defeated them once doesn't mean we can't share space, especially since we have plenty of it, and they don't. Why not lease them some of our Federal lands, receive a little foreign aid to help offset our deficit, and let them put some troops here?

I believe that the doctrine of "American Exceptionalism" is the reason. Only we can be in charge of the world, because... we're specially suited to do so. Called to the task by God, even.

Newt Gingrich is an ardent supporter of this idea, as are some Christian Fundamentalists (which Newt... is definitely not). Both can be military hawks for this very reason. Our troops around the world are an extension of who we are as a country. They perform humanitarian functions, and keep the peace (after we knock out the bad guys). We exert a generous spirit, provide moral influence and give benevolent direction. We are born to rule, we are fit for the throne (oops.. excuse me.. I mean "take a leadership role").

Of all the GOP candidates running for President, there is one who sees things differently on this subject - different than the GOP establishment, and different from President Obama. Guess who?

See you on caucus night. :)

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