What a pretty place to spend an extended weekend. :)
A week ago, this was the site of my annual personal retreat (a long weekend spent in contemplation, self-examination and looking forward). It also happened to work out to line up with a semi-annual doctor visit, so it was a multi-purpose weekend - all good purposes!

The grounds were lovely, with a good amount of leaf color left.

And, on Friday at least, it wasn't raining. The rest of the time ... :( Accommodations were simple, but sufficient - a remodeled farmhouse (and I use the word remodeled loosely).

But I don't think the Jesuits have ever been long on luxury, have they?

The retreats at this place are all silent, so I didn't say a word to anyone there until I actually paid my bill on Monday, and it seemed fitting to stroll the grounds and hear nothing but leaves rustling, taking in the views.

That, plus some very positive time in Milwaukee, seeing the doctor as well as some comfortingly familiar surroundings, made for a great weekend! Sort of felt like birthday came a week early. Think I might try to do something like it again next year, circumstances permitting. :)
Now, on to more birthday celebrating!