My new "secret recipe" for cranberry sauce went over very well at Thanksgiving dinner with the in-laws this year. Not like the Moroccan Carrot soup from two years ago, which I'm still getting razzed about. Hey, it was good! Just different. (Hmpf. Such pedestrians...) So now, finally, I have a hit recipe, and a standing order for something to bring each year. Yay. :)
As usually happens when I'm with the in-laws (or any family, really - whenever there's a lot of them), I get claustrophobic and need to give myself a "time-out". ;) So, Friday morning when everyone scattered to either shop (in two separate parties, males and females), or bake cookies, or see friends... I retreated.

G&G have this piece of wooded land with a cabin on it,

not too far away, that sort of serves as a family vacation spot / retreat center. I headed for that, and spent the bulk of the day chilling, communing with nature,

and reading yet another theology book (almost done with them, too - only one of the 12 that I started with in September is left to read!)
It is so nice there. Maybe next year when I take my annual spiritual retreat... I should put the place to use.

Hm. That is, if all that family will agree to stay away. Doubtful.
such a beautiful place...
any recipes on the mind for christmas?
Ha - J1 is coming home armed with recipe ideas. I think mine will be on hold. :) Glad I'll see you, though, even if it is only for one day!
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