Thursday, November 19, 2009

John Mayer vs The Fray

Yesterday I finally got a copy of The Fray's new self-titled CD, and played it non-stop. So good.

Today I got the pre-release download version of John Mayer's new CD "Battle Studies", and have played it non-stop since. So good.

Almost made forget about that dental visit today. Almost. The needle and the drill reminded me of why I was there (to replace an old filling that was leaking). And it wasn't too bad, thanks to the nitrous oxide I requested. Even if the insurance plan doesn't cover it, it's still worth the out-of-pocket cost for this child of the early 70s. :P

But back to my story. So why "borrow" one CD (Mayer), and "buy" the other (Fray)? John Mayer was a known commodity to me, The Fray was not. All I knew was one song of theirs, "How To Save A Life". Would the rest be any good? Oh yeah. So now their prior CD is on order at the library, too. :) And I have to say that, fan as I am of John Mayer, getting the Fray's latest for free was the better deal.

But there was an added incentive to buy John Mayer's latest: A presale code for buying tickets to his March 2 show here! Yeah, boy. Mezzanine, center, two on the aisle? Thank you very much.

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