Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Missionaries of Democracy

In past ages, various religious groups (most notably those descended from Abraham), had muscular missions movements.  (nice alliteration, huh?)   Whether it be the ancient Israelites, Roman Catholics, Lutheran/Anglican Protestants, or Muslims - all were guilty at some point of getting converts "at the point of a sword".  Examples are abundant in the literature of soldier/missionaries saying to the newly conquered:

"Renounce your pagan ways, confess your allegiance to [our version of] God, and you will live."

We don't do those things anymore, right?

Well, not so fast.  The United States sure does.  Our military and its expanding outposts around the world have become the modern equivalent of the muscular missionaries of past ages.  Except the faith we are preaching is Democracy.  Capitalist Democracy at that.  We say to the conquered (or those about to be so):

"Listen, you backward and corrupt nations: throw off your feudalism, your tribalism, your totalitarianism, your communism, your radical theocracies, and embrace western democracy, the only true and pure government under heaven.  Embrace Democracy... and Capitalism, too!  If you do, we'll give you foreign aid, and teach you how to spend it on trade with us.  We'll establish a military presence within your borders to protect you, send in NGOs to teach you how to live, and set up American businesses to provide your workers with jobs and buy your cheap goods.  Life as our allies will be better than you've ever had it before.

"If you refuse... well, there will be sanctions first to give you time to repent.  But at some point, we'll just send in drones, bomb your leaders, arm the revolutionaries among you, and once they overthrow you, we'll sign one-sided agreements with them and license out your natural resources to our real friends.  So, avoid this harsh judgment, won't you?  Just renounce your past ways and confess your belief in Capitalist Democracy as the one true path to Enlightenment and Prosperity.  Repent, and you shall live!"

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