Thursday, November 01, 2012

Out of the Woods

... and back toward home.

The retreat weekend was good, as usual,

with lots of time spend tromping around out in the woods.

This act of simply being alone in the midst of God's creation, seems to naturally prompt conversations between He and me.  Which is a large part of the point of these retreats, after all.

The room I stayed in was tucked away under an earth berm, and pretty quiet. Accommodations were both comfortable and simple, as you'd want.

The rest of the buildings were scattered around tucked up against the same woods, so each one seemed private, except maybe the cabin units connected to the dining hall by a raised wood deck.

The library/lounge, the sun room, and the chapel building were all sun catchers, and really lovely, as Catholic retreat centers tend to be.

Somehow it seems easier to bring concerns to God in places like these... and to be grateful for His presence in your life.

Again... part of the point, yes? :)

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