Friday, May 25, 2012

Turning a page...

... or a corner, or a new leaf.  Something like that.  Whatever it is I am turning, it will be happening in a week.

Two days ago I turned in my last research paper... for my last class... before my last commencement ceremony.  The last one, at least, in which I'll be doing the commencing!  Perhaps I'll participate in more of them as a helper or encourager of sorts - you know, up on the dais, or seated as a decorated spectator, like the veterans at Memorial Day gatherings.  Only my decorations won't be ribbons on the chest of a uniform, but a robe, a mortarboard, honor cords and a colorful Master's hood.  Blue and yellow for Bethel Seminary, crimson for Theology.  (or as one wag of a friend said to me recently ... dressed for a football game between Michigan & Alabama.)

Then, after the ceremony, the reception, and a little soirée at a pizza parlor with a few well-wishers, we will head West to visit one of the last two states in the lower 48 to which I've not yet been.  The other is Delaware, but who's counting?  

Finally, after two weeks of traveling, celebrating, exploring and discussing, it will be back home to a new life of some sort - one without evenings and weekends spent communing with Biblical commentaries and word processing software.

Whatever shall I do with myself?

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