Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dueling Art Festivals

This weekend was Art Festival weekend in my fair city. Actually Art Festival(s) weekend, since there are two of them, one downtown and one at the fairgrounds. Since I saw neither last year, I thought I'd visit both this year, and get a little compare/contrast action working.

Friday night downtown, Sunday afternoon fairgrounds, and in between a rainy 5K benefitting the Botanical Center. On the 5K, I slogged my way along at a respectable pace, given that I hadn't run that distance in 21 months. And this time... with no pain. :)

The downtown event made great use of the sculpture garden, which is about 3 city blocks of urban green space and artwork.

There was certainly some kitsch here and there,

but most of what was downtown was high-end, juried work in various media. With price tags to match! Despite the prices I still gawked at the things that usually catch my eye: glass...

and pottery, especially if the colors are interesting and vibrant.

There were also music stages,

and even a Habitat for Humanity exhibit, a home being built during the three days of the festival, and then moved to the property site. Very cool.

But the artwork was the focus, certainly. Striking.

The Art Festival at the fairgrounds was not as high-end and pricey (read: pretentious) as the one downtown. I could actually afford to buy something. And I did. :)

This event was less formal, and had some studio spaces set up where artists demonstrated their craft.

Though less pretentious and less expensive, they still had nice pottery...

and striking glasswork.

Though I'm not sure which was more striking, the glass work or the psychedelic dress on the older lady looking things over.

One of the painters exhibiting there seemed to capture her tie-dye dress in a luminous spiral staircase.

There seemed to be more painting at this show than downtown.

They even tried to educate the patrons on different styles of painting. Fauvism? News to me. I texted J1 about it, and of course she had a pertinent quote on the tip of her (virtual) tongue. Something about Donatello among the wild beasts... Guess you had to be there.

Fortuitously, while at the fairgrounds, I stopped in at the Ron Paul for President booth at the regional gun show going on at the same time as the art festival. Took my turn handing out literature, talking about how to reform government, etc.

The booth happened to be right next to a table where a guy did custom modifications on Glock pistols. Those were interesting conversations on which to eavesdrop!

But then, you were surrounded by firearms, ammo, knives and gear of all sorts, no matter where you were. You could smell the testosterone and the musky aroma of rugged individualism throughout the room.

And yet, the ladies were not forgotten.

There were tables selling everything from pink rifles

to belly button jewelry with firearm designs.

This state is one of those interesting places where not only is same-sex marriage legal, but so is either open or concealed carry.

The advocates of each rarely frequent the same events, more's the pity. That would make for some lively conversation..

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