Plus, unless the snow is heavy and squashes them, they'll stand there against the snow cover and look great.

December 1st dawned with no snow on the ground, unlike our poor neighbors to the north who got pounded this week. There were still leaves around the grounds at work, blown into piles high enough to kick though. :) Rustle, rustle.

Despite the lack of snow, the concert that night was a Christmas show nonetheless. Or at least one set of the show was.

This was a new venue to me (of course, in this city every venue is still new; haven't been to the same place twice). It's downtown, in the "night life" district (ha - such as that is), in an old warehouse building, containing multiple venues for eating, drinking and music. The ticket takers were cool about it, so D went down two flights to a restaurant and brought up dinner. Doors opened at 6! Jeepers, you'd think it was a school night or something. ;)

This particular venue is up on the third floor, and we managed to grab a booth against a window with a view of the downtown streets. It struck me as very Phillip Marlowe-esque. All it needed was a neon sign with one letter sputtering on and off.

There were two opening acts. The first one was first electric with a half dozen people on stage, the second an acoustic duo.

Can't remember their names. Honestly, they were not all that great. So, no great opening act finds this time around. I've had such good luck with that in the past, I've started to think I'll get a great undiscovered opening act every time. Nope.

But then, the headliners were who we came to see, and they were as good as expected, although (as they said after every mistake) it was the first night of this tour. They were a little ragged in spots.

Although the tour was billed as acoustic... it was only partially so. They still rocked out on several numbers, particularly the fan favorites (where 80% of the audience sang along - I even managed to know the lyrics on one of them).

So when Relient K came on, the music got much better, too - noticeably better. And that's why they ride on the cool tour bus, and the other guys get to pile into their mom's minivan.

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