Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bundle up!

The Upper Midwest woke up to a brutal reminder this morning of how Nature's power still trumps humankind's. Except, I suppose, for the internet, which is still up. :) Humanity says: "Ha. So there."

But... the roof of the Metrodome isn't. Collapsed overnight. And last I checked the visiting Giants were stuck in Kansas City. So no NFL game today. I can hear Nature saying: "Ha. So there."

Okay, for this morning at least let's call it a draw.

Last night the dog got to sleep in the garage instead of outside, until I could shovel out his kennel on the porch.

They don't call it a three-season porch for nothing, apparently.

The wind blew so hard, it actually knocked our fountain (drained, thankfully) over. Note in the lower right the metal angel - face down in the dog's dish. :) God has a sense of humor.

Brutal, winter. But it does make for some pretty juxtaposition for those who weren't quite ready for it to arrive in force!

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