Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Too much heat, too much water

Look, I know it's August, and it's supposed to be hot, but...

Heat index readings above 110?
Dew points over 80?
Heck, the dew point in the house is over 60 - with the A/C on!
According to the National Weather Service, this is tropical and "oppressive heat". Yeah, no fooling!

And then there's the storms. My first month here, I was driving to work during downpours every other day. Then last month, the windstorms, with tree limbs falling around the neighborhood, and on my car (I may get it back from the shop today, finally). Now the lightning and thunder is waking up the dog every night - bark, bark, bark on the back porch at 2AM, 3AM (why does it storm in the wee hours?) - so into the basement he goes, and try to go back to sleep.

Some city streets are closed due to flooding, the neighborhood creek is rising daily, and you can see the water rolling down the street toward the bridge as people's sump pumps push it toward storm drains already at capacity. Jeepers, Molly, it's crazy here.

Gotta wonder what winter will be like.

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