Later, back at the office I checked the dew point map and - voila! No more red dots focused on Iowa! Pale yellow! Light green! And by the time I left work, the dew point was in the 40s. It felt marvelous out, even with temps in the low 80s.

But I gained a spiritual insight as well. It was such a perfect day that when I stepped out of the car again (to head into the library, return my Vienna Teng and Shadowfax CDs, and pick up one by Sly and the Family Stone and a Michael Jackson anthology) praise to God spontaneously erupted from me. Couldn't help it, right there in the parking lot, I'm grinning like a fool and lifting CD-filled hands to God in gratitude for such a day. After giving thanks, I boldly ask God:
Why can't it be like this every day?
"Because then, son, you would love this world too much. Remember, this is not home."
Oh. Yeah. Sorry God... on days like this I forget. :)
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