Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Hit the books, boy...

Reading, reading, reading...

3 hours a night so far and nowhere near done with this week's assignments yet. Oof. It's been a while since I've read dense material like this, not to mention reading other than for recreation.

Some of the commentaries on and scholarly treatments of these sections of the Bible have stuff in them that I would put in the category of "angels dancing on the head of a pin" - nits to pick. What difference does it really make if Paul got his orientation to Pharisee-ism at home in Tarsus or under Gamaliel's teaching in Jerusalem. He eventually repudiated it, so... who cares? But scholars love to debate this stuff. Oy Gevalt! God forbid I should be that kind of scholar!

On the other hand, some of the information is pretty interesting, like the Greek authors Paul quotes from in his arguments, and the military structures, politial systems, or the sporting events of the day which Paul often uses as examples and analogies. That stuff I like, and find interesting and useful to add texture to what he taught. Hopefully there will be enough of the latter to keep me reading faithfully, because the course outcome appears to be dependent on it. I repeat... oof!

First on site class tomorrow night, plus an orientation & welcome dinner. I'm nervous and excited, and determined not to think at all about fitting in. Not me. :) But, what should I wear? ;)

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