Saturday, February 08, 2014

Strum On A Uke All Day

From time to time I remember that 70s rock anthem: "I don't want to work.  I just want to bang on a drum all day."  But because I like my work (at least currently), I adapt the lyrics a bit.  The drum becomes a ukulele, and I substitute for work whatever else winds up takes me out of the house in the evening or on the weekends, when I'd like nothing better than to make music and record it.  Board meetings, classes, social commitments, dental appointments, volunteering, whatever.  I'd rather strum, sing, and record.  To wit, the latest:

One of the things I've always wanted to be able to do is accompany myself on some instrument while I sing.  The ukulele is about the simplest one I've found, and it almost gets me there.  :)  Yes, I need a multi-track recorder, a pre-amp, a decent mic, and Garage Band to manage the editing, but hey... when I can borrow the equipment for nothing and set it up in my basement, why not?

I could do this all day.  That is, if my fingers would permit.

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