Friday, March 16, 2012

These 4 guys walk into a bar...

... two Catholics, a Mormon, and a Baptist.

(It's a theology bar, mind you. I am a Seminarian, after all. I drink deep of ideas.)

So the bartender asks the Catholics: "You first, fellas. How do you like your theology?"

"Cafeteria style!" says the first Catholic. "Nothing I like better than a big spread of robust ideas to choose from. I can debate the merits of each and every one! You can probably tell by my shape that I've had plenty over the years."

The second Catholic furrows his brow and says, "Well, I like red meat, but it is Lent... Hm, can I see a menu for Evangelicals as well as one for Catholics? I like some of both, depending on how they play to the voters I'm with at the time. It's fusion style theology, you could say."

The bartender turns to the Mormon and asks: "What about you, sir? Got a special favorite?"

"Actually, yes", says the Mormon. "I'm a fan of everything positive and forward-looking, with strong flavors of achievement. Oh, and an extra helping of success on the side, please. Anything achieved in this life bodes well for the next, you know."

Finally the bartender turns to the quiet older gentleman in the group and asks: "Well, pops, what's your pleasure?"

"Oh, let's see here... I kind of like the looks of that 'autonomy special' you've got there - the one with equal helpings of freedom and responsibility tossed in a dressing of grace and humility. That sounds pretty good to me."

"Coming right up!" says the bartender.

"No, no... no need to do anything special with some fancy presentation or anything. Why don't you just bring out the ingredients, and... I'll just fix it up for myself. I sorta like it that way."

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