Sunday, August 14, 2011

I love a parade

Last year, we took in a local tradition: a Sweet Corn Festival in a little burg about 20 min. west of us. But, we got there too late for the parade, so - change of plans this year. Parade first, then eat. :)

So our pastor and his wife joined us (and the rest of town, apparently) on the sidewalk to see what there was to see, before we all pigged out on corn on the cob. And there was definitely stuff to see.

First, the men...

Then the boys...

Then the girls...

They had some young people...

And a float made up of nothing but old people...

Then another one with even older people...

They even had all-yellow people. To celebrate corn, I suppose.

And embarrassing people. Not sure what they were celebrating.

They had fire trucks...

And big tractors...

Smaller tractors...

And even smaller tractors.

There were merchants...


A helicopter,

and some hot cars. This one I was particularly fond of.

Mostly because it is the same car as the first one I ever owned. Except that mine was yellow with white tuck and roll leather upholstery. Not to mention the 327SS package under the hood. Yowza! I won more than my fair share of impromptu drag races off the line at stoplights in Wausau, WI back in the day. ;)

Small-town America. I love it.

Not to mention the free sweet corn. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How ironic that within a matter of a week or so of each other, our respective towns play(ed) host to a Sweet Corn Festival and car show. I just posted pics from our most recent show last Thursday night. Feel free to check them out.

I also never knew that your first car was a 327SS Malibu, or that you drag-raced it on the streets of Wausau. Next time we get together, we shall have to talk cars Unky Bob. :)

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