Saturday, April 16, 2011

Up on the platform, quick, quick, quick.

No time in church now for mentally lounging about; must pay attention or I'll miss my cues.

Starting in May, I'm back in the saddle again, as they say: serving as a lector at the Basilica for Saturday afternoon Mass, and being on worship team (with some ensemble singing) at the Baptist church on Sunday. Both are enjoyable, familiar, comfortable ways of serving. I do still get a little nervous, though, when it's my turn (which is once every 3-4 weeks), but not so nervous that it's counter-productive. Nervous as in a heightened awareness of where I am and what my task is, putting any performance anxiety or excess adrenaline I might have right into execution.

It's good to contribute. And speaking of contributing, a local charity that runs a homeless shelter and transitional housing program for families with children had a fund-raising dinner & silent auction earlier this week, with some very cool artwork to bid on (which I did). Had to leave early and haven't heard the results yet, but if I did happen to win, I'll have to move to an "industrial chic" loft to make the art look right! More likely, I'll just hang it in my office at work. :)

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