Contractors... every time I think I'm out, they draaaaag me back in.
This time it was no hot water in the showers. It's been a cold last 3 days...
Called a plumber and it turns out the valves are bad, had to be replaced. To the tune of $2,000! Yikes! There's an outside chance that the home warranty policy will cover it. Or part of it. We'll soon find out. The claim goes in today.
Now the rest of the house looks so nice that the bathrooms just HAVE to be painted, too. :) Of course they do.
But the faux finish in the kitchen looks reaaaalllly good. The painter I hired by mistake - the wrong guy - did a fantastic job. Here's one mistake I'm glad I made. Found a table & chairs for the eating space in the kitchen that will look great with it, too. Should show up next week.
And the lounge... taking shape! All the furniture that I needed to assemble is done and in, just awaiting the orange sofa and green/orange chairs. Woohoo! I can hardly wait!
Now if I could just get cable signal into my house, and get the internet working, I'd be happy. -er. :) Sitting in an internet cafe' doing my blog is nuts. I have to type fast, think fast at 40 cents a minute...