for a wedding & reception along the river

Went to the state fair, to play and eat

and to see some dairy cows,
some nervous,

some worn out

some dairy cow *handlers*

and some dairy goats!

(brown seems to be "in" this year for animal fur color...)

and even saw a few kids lying around.

Not only that, we even had time to stop and smell the flowers. Even if these don't smell like much. Still, it's the principle of the thing. :)

Ate some favorite food at old familiar places

saw a ballgame with my favorite team (a win, even!...)

Saw my doctor (still waiting on test results to see if I can drop some of my meds; crossing fingers...)

Relaxed at a favorite B&B (for the fourteenth year!)

in a little town that has all things Frank Lloyd Wright. Even the Catholic church which was built in '88 is done in that style.

saw my sister and husband for lunch in a little river town

not far from a gracious winery which I love to visit (no exception this time, either; checked out their trellising systems, asked about beetle control, and yes, bought a few bottles...)

Saw a comedy by George Bernard Shaw at the outdoor Shakespeare theatre. What a lovely place. Fourteen years coming here, too. :)

Then home via the scenic route, through quaint little river towns populated with oddball little businesses, along the "Great River Road" (or so the signs said. Guess they were right. It was pretty great.)

Managed to avoid a pretty big storm by hiding in an old stoneware factory that had been converted to shops. Very cool antiques! So many ideas... so little money. (that isn't already spoken for, I mean.)

Finally more gas ($3.49 - cheap!), another winery, another restaurant, and... home. Five days, packed with stuff to do and see (as well as people), things to remember, and things to distract me from thinking too much. :)
I needed that.
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