Now *this* is small-combo jazz. Oh, my. :)

JP has been a favorite of mine since I heard his "Dear Mr. Cole" CD back in 1994 and saw him at a concert around that time doing songs from his "New Standards" CD. Saw him again about 3 years ago at a jazz festival in the Berkshire Hills in Massachusetts, where he shared the bill with Wynton Marsalis and Dr. John. But last night, it was in a small house setting where he could be intimate with the audience, and it was a thrill. :)

D and I went to the 9:30 show and saved enough on the cheaper tickets to buy drinks and appetizers. The warm chocolate mousse went well with the 6 oz pour of a decent zinfandel (in the proper glass, yet, to concentrate the nose.) And the subsequent iced tea went well with the french fries béarnaise later on. Nice.

Having not been to this venue before, I didn't quite know what I was getting when I reserved the table in the mezzanine. I had a partly obstructed view, so simply had to stand now and then if I wanted to see his fingers flying on the seven-string hollow-body he played. Woah.

Behind us was the sound guy, and he had a monitor. So once in a while I stole a look. But when John's Dad, Bucky (who plays the same instrument, only better), comes to play the last weekend in September, I'll know what seats to buy.

So a fun week this week! Concert last night, movie the night before, the third Three-track party tomorrow night (this time at my house), and tonight D and I are volunteering in the MGGA booth at the state fair to talk to people about growing wine grapes in this frigid climate. I guess we qualify now. :)
Oh, and one more thing. I went to the upscale art house theatre Wednesday night to see "Bottle Shock" (nice little quasi-documentary about the emergence of California wines in 1976), and saw my first "Smart Car" in real life. You know the one... it's the size of a large shopping cart. Unbelieveably tiny. This one had personalized plates: ITIBITI
Too cute.

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