So I removed the protective plastic, straightened and retied the canes to the stakes, and sprayed some more for bugs. Pretty soon the Asian Lady Beetles and Box Elder Bugs will be out in full force. Grrr...

The grow tubes are removed because the vines have to harden at the base to be able to survive winter. It's a process called “aoutement”.
Aoutement is a French term used to describe the period beginning when the vine's rate of growth slows and the shoots and canes begin to show woodiness (lignification).
Untubed vines will have a much better chance of making it through the winter. Or so the books tell me. :)

So, yeah, c'mon, boys. Toughen up! Before you know it, winter will be here, and you'll need to be hardy. Yup. Don't I know it...
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