Friday, September 05, 2008

Kohlrabi and ragweed?

Funny looking little critters, these Kohlrabi.

(Kohlrabi is a noun both singular and plural, right?  Like deer?)

The name is really one of those compound German words, combining kohl (cabbage) and rube (for turnip).  So, they think it's a cabbage-y turnip-ish sort of thing.  

I suppose.  Never had a turnip. Not sure I care to.

The Farmers' Market here has been showing kohlrabi for weeks now, and I kept wondering what they were good for.  Finally I couldn't stand it anymore, so some came home.  :)

As usual, the internet was a wonderful source of practical wisdom, and it taught me how to prep it, as well as what to make with it. So last night, I gave it a whirl.

I settled on kohlrabi/ham bake, sort of like scalloped potatoes and ham, but with a low-carb, more flavorful veggie swapping for the potato.  Not bad.  I did make a note to add onion next time.

And all the while today I'm sneezing, eyes watering, throat scratching, etc.  Ick.  No other symptoms, though.  Ashley the stylist (today I was in for a neck trim) says it's ragweed.  I've never been allergic, I say.  You know you can develop allergies as you age, she says. 

Hm!  Nice of her to think of that possibility for me...  thanks so much.

But as I type this post, I am getting more and more of a headful, feeling fatigued, and things are starting to hurt.  I think I'm just getting sick.  :(  Bleh.

I think I'd rather deal with a passing case of rhinovirus than a permanent case of age-related allergies.  (shudder...)

How about we change the subject back to cooking?   What wine goes with kohlrabi?  Hmm.... I'm thinking gewurztraminer.

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