Monday, May 10, 2010

Concerts on the cheap

This is a dicey thing. Concerts are still therapy for me.. especially with good company.. but there is a measure of rationalization that happens when there is no regular paycheck. But like Joseph in Genesis, that's why you set aside resources during times of prosperity - so that you have something to draw upon when times are hard.

So, going to see Sia Furler a couple of weeks ago was simply way too good an opportunity to pass up. :) Opportunities like that one don't come around very often. Well worth the investment, let me tell you..

But this last week, I saw two more shows, one of which was cheap ($15) and the other pre-paid (a postponed show from January). Plus the company was great.. my buddy SQ at one, and First Kid J1 at the other.. seeing Aqualung and Low, respectively. And the venue, an old fave (The Varsity) with a new look, fully remodeled. Simply swell.

It was just the ticket in a frustrating week waiting for an offer to show up. And after two concerts in that same week.. the offer came!

See? I need to keep going to these things. They help with my well being, in all sorts of ways that one might not expect.

1 comment:

Future Urban Planner said...

Whaaat, no pix of J1 being underwhelmed by Low? *footage not found* :) Was happy to be with you tho!

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