Monday, June 30, 2008

Joy Redux

Regular readers will note that I've blogged here off and on about joy, the latest post on the topic being about the difference between joy and happiness.

After a chat with my pastor, my (soon to be ex-) therapist, and some friends, I'm as confused about it as ever. Some agree with my thesis, some don't, and those that don't are not always sure why - they are more like "joy agnostics", I guess. :)

But one perspective I hadn't yet considered challenges my definition of joy as an emotional state, and considers it more of a character quality (or at minimum a personality trait.)

I have to admit this fits better with the rest of the list of fruits of the Spirit in Gal 5:22-23. Most of the others (patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) are pretty clearly character qualities. If you think of the other two (love and peace) as *being* loving or *being* peaceful, you could view them as character qualities, too, instead of emotions you feel.

So, maybe joy is less an emotional state than it is... the character quality of being joyful?

The other fruits in the list can certainly be viewed as outward-focused, other-centered, relating to people, *including* those of love and peace (as in lover, peacemaker.) So.. couldn't joy fit there, too?

You might feel emotionally dry and down, but if something about your personality or character exudes joy to others... is that the idea here? Does it really mean: to be a joyful person, a joy-giver?

In Proverbs 17:22, it says "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones."

I can imagine that the "good medicine" part could be for the benefit of others, not just for yourself.

So maybe I should not be looking to have joy in my life, but.. to bring it to those around me.


Can I do that?

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