Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Just Call Me Spa-boy

Magic show last night, following a group dinner.  "Lance Burton, Master Magician!"  It was sort of like a vaudeville show.  He went back into the history of magic, did some Twilight Zone spoofs, some Phantom of the Opera takeoffs, and had not only the lovely and talented assistants (one guess as to what their talents were..) but also a hilarious juggling act in between his first and second halves.  

Lots of disappearing stuff.  People, cars.  People IN cars.  One trick had a 7 y.o. kid from the audience riding in a white 'vette with the magician.  One minute they're on stage, the next they and the car are gone, and the magician and kid are coming down into the audience inside a chandelier lowering down from the ceiling.  How in the world??  Even running up a ramp full tilt, there was hardly time for the little kid to get there with him..  hmmmm.

Then another visit before bed to the fountains at Bellagio to see them dance to Copland's "Appalachian Spring."    After that.. sore feet forced me back to the room.  Being a telecommuter, I don't have to wear dress shoes.  Don't have to wear shoes at all.  ;)  I'd forgotten just  how unnatural dress shoes are.

Other than that, my presentation to the group was a success, with lots of head nods and good questions.  Even the wild "Vegas lounge lizard" shirts (used as comic relief during the meeting and for the group dinner and show) went over as planned..  

But tonight!  Woo!  I hit the spa!

Now, hang on.. it's not what you think.  Or, ha - maybe it is..  :P

The hotel messed up on a couple of things for the business meeting and, as an apology, gave free access to spa services for the entire group for one day only.  I had an empty evening tonight, so.. what the heck, why not?  I've never had a deep-tissue massage, so – I think it's time, don't you?  Maybe it will make my back and shoulder feel better and stop this annoying muscle cramping (which still hasn't gone away from sitting in that old lousy office chair I had to replace.)

They do all the usual stuff there, of course - polishing and wrapping and filling and dipping and stripping (peels, waxes.)  It's sort of like a car detailing place, I guess, but just for people?  No fancy sand, paint, wash and wax package for me, though.. (especially no waxing, thanks.. Yikes!!)  Just grind out & touch up a couple of the dents, and give me a nice buff job.  That should be good.  I'm sure I'll feel better afterwards, even if I still look like the same old rustbucket.

Mmmm, this will be way better than going to see Barry Manilow.

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