Saturday, March 15, 2008

Are all bloggers self-absorbed?

Well, gee.. I guess we have to be to some degree, right? I mean, why else do we keep what amounts to a public diary displayed prominently in a shop window for passers-by to see?

Now in my own defense here I'll state that I began writing this thing right after hearing that I was losing my job due to a corporate reshuffling (again!) Since I like to write, I thought it might be good therapy. A constructive outlet, so to speak.

After a while it evolved into more of a news-sharing device with friends and family, an update on the status of job searches and moves (of which there have been several more since this started), but still kept its bent toward self-expression.

And, as I've gotten to the point of wanting to deal better with the various disappointments and losses that have come my way over time, and let some of the emotions out that I've been stuffing.. it's become more therapy and less news again.

Sure, once in a while here there are opinions, for the sake of opinions. :) But the main thrust of the postings here is still emotional, not factual.

So, self-absorbed? Yes, of course. Struggles, annoyances, failures, disappointments are mingled here with hopes, dreams, successes and loves. I write about how I feel, what moves me.

But, an overblown sense of self-importance? Oh, I hope not. That's not the idea.

The idea is to get out (with minimal filtering - although I have to apply at least some, for decorum's sake) what's going on inside, whether it makes sense to the reader (or the author) or not.

And if you happen to be walking by.. these days I do tend to leave the windows to my heart wide open to let some sunshine and fresh air in there (it had gotten awfully gloomy and musty inside..) so - you're free to stop and stare if you like. :)

By the way, if you're looking for an update on confession.. I can't. Not yet. It's all still sinking in. I don't have the words right now.

And besides.. I need all my spare words for my last paper for TS502. Time to get busy..

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