Saturday, June 18, 2011

Family Merit Badges?

Have you seen these things?

Usually they only live on the back windows of minivans, SUVs or station wagons. Never saw a Dodge Viper, Mazda Miata, or Porsche Carrera with any.

I'm not sure I get what the message or the point really is. Why would you announce the composition of your family (and pets) on the back of your vehicle? Who is it, exactly, that you are telling this to?  Yourself, when you load your groceries?  Random passers-by?

And what's more... where the heck do you find them? The local family car-decorating shop? Tourist traps where you also buy shot glasses emblazoned with the local natural wonder and sugar spoons with the state flower on the handle?  I have never seen a sticker like this for sale anywhere, but I sure do see them on vehicles all over.

The point of these eludes me completely.

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