Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Transition month is here

... finally!

Because I'll tell you, I can hardly stand it the way it's been. If this summer is the new normal because of global warming, I'm ready for a little intergalactic space travel. (in an air-conditioned pod, of course. with good music and wine.)

As I've noted on this blog before, I have a slightly different take on the seasons than most. To me, the seasons are all two months long, linked together by the transition months of December, March, June, and... September! So, we have just left the Summer season which consists of July and August. By the time September is over, we will have entered the season of Autumn which is made up of October and November. You get the idea, I trust, dear reader. The transition months are half like the ending season (but moderated) & half like the beginning season (and moderately so).

My favorite months are the true Autumn and true Spring (April, May) months, and... all the transition months. So most of the year I'm good with being outside. Just not in true Summer or true Winter (January, February) months. But from this day on, I enter a great stretch of happy weather, September through December. Love it, love it.

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