Saturday, July 17, 2010

A God of Love... and mosquitos.

I have to admit that, while I understand God to be both authentically personal and perfectly loving, mosquitos are a real fly in that ointment, if you get me.

Whereas, if I acknowledge that God put the world together in essentially the form we know it today, and in doing so God was consistent with His essential loving nature, then God arranged everything we now know according to love, and

Whereas, if I acknowledge that the first few chapters of Genesis are trustworthy, not in terms of science but in terms of a description of God's intent (toward creation generally and humans specifically), then what God caused to occur in creation was for our pleasure and benefit, and

Whereas, if I believe both science and the Scripture in saying that homo sapiens is one of latest (if not the most recent) mammalian species to emerge from the long history of evolution/creation as we know it, and

Whereas, if I understand that the account of Adam and Eve is to some extent descriptive of the initial separation of homo sapiens from God, and that "the Fall" did indeed, as Saint Paul says, subject the whole of creation to frustration and deviation from its initial purpose and design, then,

I am confused. Did God create mosquitos in their current blood-sucking and disease-spreading form, or.. did mosquitos come into their current state as a result of the Fall (and God's subsequent cursing of work, male/female relations and childbirth)? The former does not seem consistent with God's perfectly loving character, and the latter is not consistent with the Biblical notion that God ceased creative activity after God homo sapiens was formed.

Mosquitos are incredibly annoying, both existentially and metaphysically. Grrr...

(ooh, ooh, wait.. I know! The Garden of Eden contained plants (now extinct) that naturally produced a DEET-like substance which repelled mosquitos, so when Adam & Eve were banished from the Garden, viola! Open season on human flesh!

Ha! God proven to be just once again...)

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