Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Floral Masculinity

I'm convinced that daffodils are male. They are a guy flower, with guy attributes. Up early in Spring, they're unapologetically brash, bright, big and bold. They stand tall & confident, and trumpet their message:


Now, I'll grant you, they're not the very first out of the flower bed. They are not the delicate and shy crocuses or snow drops who are up and at their work while the snow still chills the ground. They sleep in a little and lag the girls a bit, sure, but they don't lower their eyes, drop their heads and act all demure, either.

They act like big shots, stand up and holler, and show off for everyone to see. :) Man, if that isn't male, I don't know what is.

I think that's why daffodils are my favorite spring flowers. Really, they're just... one of the guys.

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