Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Some doctor YOU are!

So here I was having a perfectly nice weekend enjoying seeing several old familiar friends and hanging out in old familiar places, when I my old familiar doctor has to go and tell me......

that I need to run twice as much.

Twice as much!

What, are you kidding? I hate running! So the blood pressure's up a LITTLE bit, along with cholesterol, triglycerides, weight, blah, blah, blah. What's that got to do with running?

A lot, she says. Do you want to go back on all the meds we just took you off of a year ago?

No, I says. No, I don't.

Run, then, she says.

Okay, I says.

You have 6 months, she says.

Okay, I says.

I'm serious, she says. Or it's back on the meds you go.


(actually it was much more civil than that, but I felt like yelling on the inside. Easy for you to recommend, Doc, you who avow that you love running and are also built like a pencil. I am not built like a pencil (more like a fridge) and I hate running. But I suppose I do hate taking all that medication more. Grrr...)

Doctors. Why do they have to be right about stuff like exercise?

1 comment:

Future Urban Planner said...

Consider this motivation to aim for that elusive "runner's high" ;-)

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