Friday, December 12, 2014

A year in the life of a tree

Nearly every day, I park underneath the same tree in the parking lot at my office.  I love this tree.  She is the prettiest one in the whole parking lot, and when she's looking especially gorgeous, I always tell her so.  :)  You are just the cutest thing, I say, just stunning.  And I particularly like it when she begins frosting her leaves in early Fall... she knows I do, of course, and so she does that for me every year.  She's sweet that way.

So I thought I would try to take a picture of her from the same spot once or twice a month for an entire year (maybe more often in Autumn when her appearance changes daily).  My labor of love is now complete, and here is the result (now that I've figured out how to create a .gif from stills).

Presenting....  my beautiful parking lot companion, in all her lush and stark glory.

Isn't she lovely?

I knew you'd think so.  :)

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