Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I Hate This...

...I just hate it. Today was one of those days I'd like to have back to do again. The only good thing about the trip was having lunch with Jenny and seeing her in her new place. That made me happy! And, after tomorrow's interviews I go to see Jonny at his college to drop off some music books. It'll be a long day, but... better because of that.

I wish I hadn't let the recruiter talk me into this interview. It was a waste of everyone's time.

First, the hiring manager had me wait 10-15 minutes in his office while he took a phone call, while I'm sitting there sitting on my thumbs. He's soooo busy with important stuff, and assured me my life would be like that, too, once I'm on board. Once he's ready to interview me, he talks incessantly, and runs nearly a half hour past the time we were supposed to end, and then adds someone on the interview schedule who wasn't planned. That guy is then miffed because he's been kept waiting a half hour, and in the meantime Chicago traffic is building outside...

The expectations of the job are high and the resources available to accomplish it are nil. Plus, they want a technical data junkie, and I'm not it. The stress level is high, and the hiring manager said "this is not a place for the weak". Gee, I guess that means I'm weak. He commented that their results were so good last year that he paid one guy a bonus that "made his head explode". And he said that for the next two weeks they guy thought that it was all worth it...

Two weeks! I am just not that financially motivated, I guess. To think a huge bonus could buy you off...

When I finally get out of there, the traffic has me at a crawl for half an hour before it opens up. Then when I thought I would get some needed comfort after returning to town, I come back into a situation where there is tension, and all I do is just add to it. It would have been better to spend the night there and try again in the morning, and I wouldn't have gotten those I love upset. :(

I knew before I went that it was not a good fit. I should have said so to the recruiter right away, but I let her talk me into it. Stupid.

I hope tomorrow will be better. I'll wear a different suit. Maybe that will help.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

One Down, One to Go

Jenny got her job at the Art Institute, and starts Monday! Yay! They told her that after 30 days she's eligible to post for other jobs within, which hopefully will lead to a "living wage" and benefits. I'm excited for her!

Jonny called and said he is NOT coming home this weekend (even though his roomie offered a ride). But, he sent dirty clothes along with the roomie to be washed and returned. :) Figures...

Also, next weekend (Labor Day) he says he won't be home either. Too much to do on campus. :)

But we had big plans! :( Oh well, I suppose this is what it will be like now. I am so glad that he is focusing forward instead of back to high school. This is how it should be, and it's clear now he's turned the corner on clinging to his past. Wish his old man could...

Jenny may have to work that weekend, and so she is not coming home either. :( Hm. I didn't think this would bother me but it sort of does. I'll have to accept it as normal now, though. They have better things to do - forward looking things. Guess I have the whole weekend free now... I might be able to find something to do. :)

Now if I could just get a job. The trip to Des Moines (DSM) was good. Nice conversations with some very senior people, but no specific jobs at all - just conversations. I'm not sure who is going to be getting back to me there and when. I'll send thank you's on Monday, and return the expense account form to them, but I have no expectations that this is going to produce a job offer. I think I'll mentally move it to the back burner.

They hooked me up with a realtor at the end of the day. Who are they kidding? A realtor, when there's no specific job being discussed? Seems a little premature... Plus, the guy was unbelievable. Worse than a chatty cab driver with personal problems. Really off the dial. Being alone in the airport was preferable to him...

So, interviews in Chicago Tuesday and Wednesday. Maybe one more, sometime, with the company an hour West of here, and then I think that the lot. Nothing else on the horizon, and I'll have to pick from this bunch. Ha - listen to me... I'll have to pick... I got nuttin' to pick from, man! That interview suit had better start producing! :)

Thursday, August 25, 2005


Next week Tuesday I am confirmed for an interview in Chicago (loop) , for an Atlanta job. And the next day more interviews in Schaumburg now confirmed. Tomorrow I'm in Des Moines (DSM). And they want to finish the day by having a real estate agent give me a tour of the city. I suppose that will take all of 10 minutes. :) I wonder why they do that? Maybe people have preconcieved notions about DSM that they want to change. Well, at least it's getting busier for me! Now I'm starting to miss staff meetings, church board meetings... but - I have to do this!

I'll have some extra time in Chicago and will stop in to see Jenny at her new place. Maybe take the EL down into the loop and leave the car out there. She has an interview tomorrow with the Art Institute for a full-time (but temporary) job. $7.50/hr, 35 hrs/wk. Beats Barnes & Noble, and it gets her in the door to apply for something more permanent and better paying! Yay!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

They're Dropping Like Flies

Everybody but the customer service & sales people in this office are going to have to either move or leave. We've all been waiting to hear what our options are, and only 2 weeks ago nobody knew anything. All of a sudden, decisions have been made and people are announcing what they're doing and where they're going. Some are headed to other offices in other roles, a few are promotions but most are not. Some are staying here and "bumping" other people from their jobs who are less senior than they are.

Maybe half of the people's situations now are decided and they're starting to leave for other assignments. I'm starting to feel left out...

Of course that's silly, when I have a lot of activity going on like I do, many situations to explore, etc. But, that's the point, too, I guess. I'm still exploring, and they are - moving to new assignments. In the beginning I didn't think I'd make use of all the time they gave us until we'd have to leave, but now I'm thinking I might even be between jobs and living off the severance for a few weeks.

The interviews with the company in Schaumburg are delayed a week, at least. The company an hour West of here is also delaying to hear from their parent company in Switzerland about authorization for one of the jobs... I had hoped all the interviews would be behind me by Labor Day, but... nope. There's a good side to it, of course. More time to fix up things in the house before it gets listed (living room carpet, updating Jonny's bathroom, new blinds in his bedroom, etc.). And, more time with the people I've come to know and love here... even though they've already gotten used to the idea of saying goodbye, but nobody's leaving. :) Well, more time also to put off those last tears...

I still don't want to go.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

New England

Nice trip Sunday and yesterday. Flights were crowded but smooth, so I got lots of reading done. I'm caught up now. :)

The hotel was nice, but it was deja vu for real. When we'd lived there before, I worked in the same building as the hotel, and used the same parking ramp, etc. Kind of creepy...

I pretty much navigated the whole area from the airport to downtown to our old house, etc., without a map, just from memory. A couple of wrong turns, but hey - who's counting?

The rental car people wanted to put me in a Ford Taurus... yawn... So I held out for something cooler. But all they had was a PT Cruiser, so I guess the cooler thing didn't work out. ;)

The interviews had a ragged start (I was sent to the wrong building, and walked quite a ways in strong heat & humidity, so was drippy. ) :( But after that it got better.

Met with 4 senior people, each of whom had a spot they needed filled. Three of them were new positions, where you'd make it up as you went along - which I like a lot. The fourth was the least interesting and I can probably dismiss it right away. Two of the remaining three positions are pretty clearly going to be located in New England, but the other one could possibly be located in St. Paul! Hm. That would be preferable by far, and the guy I'd work for in that job seems the nicest of the bunch, the easiest to get along with. Plus, the job itself seems fun. I'm kind of excited about it! :) St. Paul would be closer to loved ones, too... and easier to visit close friends... mmm.

Anyway, it went favorably and I am expecting to hear back from them positively in a week or two. Now I have thank you notes to send! I haven't done that in a long time. :) So my recruiter is going to send me a form letter that I can customize - and she says it can now be done via email and be perfectly acceptable. Ah, the joys of the internet...

In the meantime, the company that I phone-screened with last week about a job in Atlanta, wants me to go to Chicago on the 30th to meet with their hiring manager, who will be in town - I guess I passed that first screening interview. Plus the company in Schaumburg is looking at the 29th - 31st to bring me in for an interview day with them. The recruiter is trying to get this all to happen on the same day - maybe a breakfast meeting on the Atlanta job, and then the rest of the day with the Schaumburg people.

Then, there's Des Moines on Friday, and plus, the company an hour west of here has now expressed interest in me for two jobs, and is suggesting that I come in for a discussion with them. Maybe early September for that...

This is actually starting to become fun! :) I feel like a star high school athlete being recruited by several out-of-state colleges at once, while being simultaneously ignored by his home state university...

My boss called today to check up on me. I'm now being excused from various and sundry staff meetings and teleconferences. Darn! :) Still no firm date for when my last day will be. Mid-October, late October, who knows? I've been telling other companies I can start by 11/1, but I may have to begin delaying that a few weeks. Maybe 12/1 - I think I may need the time anyway.

Oh, Jonny emailed from college - making new freinds, staying up late and dying his hair red. :) OK, boy - classes start today... pay attention!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Empty Nester Syndrome

A dear friend asked me recently if I felt any older now that I'm an empty nester... :) I gave a cryptic answer, I think because I didn't know what to say, and have thought about it some since.

Took a day off from work Friday to get Jonny moved into his dorm room at college. It was horribly hot, and his room is on the third floor of what looks like a men's correctional facility :) and has no air conditioning. I soaked through one shirt & shorts and had packed another set to be presentable for dinner. Presentable! Ha. It's college... what was I thinking? ;)

The cafeteria food was passable and plentiful. What I noticed was the convenience of the small campus, as well as the lack of common space for studying and lounging. He's going to spend a lot of time in that hot room...

Fired off a postcard to him yesterday, just to be sure he gets mail. :) I'll do that for a few weeks, and then back off as he gets settled. I'll be interested to see what his communication style will be. Jenny's was great! Emails at work, and an extended phone call Sunday afternoons. I'm guessing that communication from the boy will be sporadic at best.

So, to the question of the day. Do I feel older? Not yet. I thought I was going to get hit with this wave of emotion after dropping him off, but I didn't. I think it's because I see this as an essential step in his growing up process, since he's had a lot handed to him while at home, and it will be important for him to do for himself for a while. I feel like I'm still actively parenting, but from a distance, which is fine.

So far, I like the quiet, and the lack of squabbling over the PC and the car and curfews, blah, blah. Let him figure that out himself now. It's time for it. Just like it's time for the empty nest. Besides, if the nest is empty, it's a whole lot easier to move it, right?

Well, in a few minutes I head to the airport to get on a plane for New England. All day interviews on Monday, and a few hours of empty time to prowl the city before my return flight. Housing costs... wonder how bad they'll be? I dug an old suit out of the closet from ... 6 years ago? Wow! It finally fits again. :) It was one of my favorites - dark olive double breasted with a faint blue stripe. Yellow shirt, with olive, yellow and burgundy tie... I'm sure it will produce an offer! :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Additional Interest

A couple of new companies contacted my recruiter today to express their interest in interviewing me. One is in Schaumburg, IL, and it would be for an officer-level position in my field. They apparently have a two-tier bonus program as well as a very competitive base salary. They want to skip the phone interview part and just have me come in for a day next week or the week of the 29th. Since they're late in the game, it's nice that they're moving a little faster than the others.

The other company is in Atlanta - same suburb as the job for which I'm still being considered internally. They want a phone interview shortly, and their hiring manager would be in Chicago on the 30th anyway and would like a face-face talk then if the phone interview goes well, which also would speed things up. Good, good!

Just got my flight details from the Des Moines company for Friday the 26th. Not too early a departure. :)

Also just heard from the State Farm agent about Jenny's short term health insurance policy - her application was denied because of ongoing treatment for her skin, which is nothing more than routine dermatology. She chose such a high deductible that there'd never be a claim made for it anyway. Stupid... Guess they would have taken her if she'd lied... grrr. :( Keep looking for work, girl - something with benefits!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Another job within the organization opened up today, and I would be a candidate for it. But, it's a downtown Chicago loop location again. How can I consider that, if I just passed on the other loop job outside the company? Maybe I should give more consideration to this one since it preserves the retirement options, etal, but that commute just scares me. If only I didn't get motion sick, I could take the train. I wonder if there's an older but decent neighborhood near in, where the cost is not prohibitive like a downtown condo would be, and the commute would be mercifully short on my queasy stomach...

On the other side, a local non-profit turned me down today for a VP of finance job. I really didn't expect them to consider me anyway, but you keep trying.

Jonny's last day at his summer job was today. He works for a printer and comes home filthy. But he makes $100 a day, and for him - that's good. 3 days work and you've got an nice iPod! So, tomorrow - he starts packing for college. Yay!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Counting The Days

Four days left until Jonny heads for college and the house is quiet. Verrry quiet. I'll be relieved at the lack of all the little irritations and behaviors that we would butt heads over, but I also think I will miss them in a perverse way. :) For instance, we disagree on music at times (like screamo bands... ugh), but we've also been having a lot of fun lately comparing notes on music. He just introduced me to the music of a guy named Jason Mraz, who I really like. I think he sounds like white boy hip-hop on a couple of songs - you know, hip-hop pop. :) But, I've been recently taken to task over that interpretation...

Then, 6 days left until I fly to New England for an interview day, and 4 days after that fly to Des Moines for the same. I have a feeling that there will be a lot of information coming my way (and hopefully some offers) in the mid-September timeframe. All these opporunities and discussions seem to be on a pace to resolve around then. What I fear is one or more of them culminating quite a bit ahead of the others, and me having to stall for time to find out more about a competing offer. But there's no way to tell people that I need their offer by such and such a date to help me be able to look at all my cards at once...

I don't want to miss a chance on a decent job by holding out to see if a better one may come along in a few weeks. It would be like saying no to the opportunity to marry a really fine girl just because you haven't dated all that much and are not sure who else might be out there. On big decisions like this, for me anyway, the bird in the hand always wins.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Moving Out

Jenny is now in Chicago as of yesterday afternoon, renting a room from the daughter of some family friends. Just a couple of suitcases, her laptop and a few books & files, no furniture needed (so it's all still in her old room and in the basement.)

She got an orientation to the neighborhood, the passcode for the alarm system, extra opener for the garage, etc. Then she and Deb went to the nearest commercial strip to find stores where Jenny could apply for part-time work next week. There's a place in Oak Park where there's a Border's, Bed Bath & Beyond, Kohl's, etc., and it's not a complicated drive. Hopefully she'll find something that's days, so she doesn't have to drive around the tough neighborhood she lives in at night. That's my big concern...

Not too many separation tears, apparently - it's gotten better for her every time. I think she may be looking forward to exploring the city and doing her job searches out from under the parents' watchful eye and sometimes nagging concern. :) This may actually enliven her some, especially as she meets the circle of friends of the girl she's renting from. Tonight two guys are stopping by to help with a little landscaping work, one of whom has connections to the art institute where Jenny's applied for work already. The networking continues...

Speaking of networking, I got a call from my recruiter yesterday. She worked a couple of contacts for me that I had suggested to her, and turned up a possibility about an hour West of here. There's a company there, with a professional colleague I know fairly well, that happens to have an officer-level financial planning job open, and this person also knew of another senior position they haven't yet posted that he thought I would be well suited for. He'll be back in his office Monday and will talk to his boss about it. This might mean a move to a community about 30 minutes away, so the drive to work could be manageable, but it would still be possible to stay in contact with friends and loved ones here. Nice idea! But, we'll see how it works out in reality. Still waiting for a date to go to DesMoines for interviews - it's pushing later towards 9/1... I am so glad I have until October. I'm going to need it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

So how do you feel about Cleveland?

Fortunately, nobody's asked me that yet, and I have nothing against Cleveland exactly - I mean, a nice new ballpark, and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame... but - I don't want to move there. Now Des Moines on the other hand... yeah, baby! :)

Got a call today from an HR person about a job in Des Moines. Nothing specific as to what it would be, rather an exploratory interview to have me meet a bunch of people. Kind of like the New England visit will be on the 22nd. This Des Moines connection is a result of an old friend routing my resume' around his organization. It's nice to see that kind of networking result in something. Looks like the week of 8/15, or the following week, for the trip to DSM (so much easier than typing Des Moines).

Another call expressing interest came in today. :) This time for jobs in Chicago, but the O'Hare area - much friendlier. Exploratory only, but hopefully it will turn into an interview.

Talked with the recruiter today about the Chicago loop job. She will tell them that I'm only interested in continuing to discuss, if I can work out of my house and be in the Loop 2 days a week. They probably won't go for it, but that's OK - I won't go for it their way. Fussy, fussy...

I think I'm developing a little bit of backbone. There's enough activity out there that I'm not going to have to grab at just anything. It will need to suit me. My, that sounds confident, doesn't it? :) We'll see how firm that resolution is when the layoff date is closer...

Friday, August 05, 2005

Phone Interviews

Had one yesterday and two today... they are both exhausting and invigorating at the same time, if such a thing is possible. I think one of the reasons they are invigorating is that they force you to think a bit - on the fly - about what you want, and they also reveal to you whether you are really enthusiastic about the job prospect or if you are just trying to sound that way. Your heart knows the difference, even if you can keep it from the person on the other end of the line.

The Chicago loop job looks very difficult - high expectations with little support to achieve them. At first my big concern was the commute... now it's the job itself. My recruiter suggests we pull out next week if I still feel the same after Monday.

Monday I am interviewing in person for the Atlanta job. The other two phone interviews were with people who won't be there Monday. Both happened to be old friends and colleagues. Nice discussions about work and lots of talk about how the families are, etc. Mixed information on the nature of the job and the people with whom I'd work. There are still lots of things to clarify on Monday. Hopefully, soon after that, I'll have a much better feel for whether they are serious about my candidacy or not. I'm starting to warm up to the idea of Atlanta, even though it's warm... :)

Jenny is still getting leads and job postings coming her way - no lack of activity, just like me. Plus, no clear direction, either, just like me. The parallels are frightening. Just signed her up for catastrophic health insurance today, with a $2500 deductible and 50/50 co-pays for the next $10K, at about $50/mo. She needs a job with benefits... so will I. Except I have until October.

I think I'm getting better about changing jobs - and about moving. Still nothing I look forward to yet, but maybe not as much dread. :)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Things seem to be speeding up in some areas and slowing down in others. The Atlanta job possibility has speeded up, with a day (9A-4P) of on-site interviewing in the company HQ (about 3 hours from here) on Monday the 8th. Will drive up the night before and come back the evening of the 8th. Two additional phone interviews on that job (with people who will be out on the 8th) are now set for later this week, Thursday and Friday.

The Chicago Loop job wants another phone interview with a person from their HQ in Texas before I come down for a face-face session. That call is also on Friday of this week, and then the in-person discussion in Chicago is set for the 18th, the day before we deliver Jonny to college, also in the Chicago area.

Finally, for the New England opportunity, it looks like the interview trip will be pushed off to the week of the 22nd. I think I'm going to benefit from the 90 days notice I got...

The recruiter emailed today with an update on another company in Chicago (burbs, thankfully) who she thought might be interested. The Sr VP there did express interest, but has been traveling, and the recruiter thinks I should hear from them next week.

One of the sales guys in the office suggested I talk to some local brokerage firms he knows to see if any of them may need a finance/customer service/admin executive to manage a portion of their business. He will give me some contact names and I'll talk to them shortly - never hurts to ask - especially if it's local. I have lots of reasons to want to stay local... :)

And this just in... a contact from my networking efforts just produced a phone call. An old friend at a company in Ohio sent my resume' to a co-worker who is someone I used to work with in the late 90's. He wants to talk to me about opportunities there. Probably tomorrow.

Well, actually - today. Called Ohio to set up a call for tomorrow and wound up having it today. Several people there "eager" to talk with me, including some from outside my professional discipline. They will now set up a day of interviews and fly me in. Wow - makes your head spin... but in a good way... :)

Monday, August 01, 2005

What's New?

Not much...

A couple of non-profit jobs surfaced over the weekend in the newspaper, one of which is in town - a VP of Finance & Administration. The other one is roughly the same thing, but located about 2 hours from here in a rural setting. I'll apply for both today.

Still trying to put together dates to interview in person on both the Atlanta job and the company in New England. Nothing definitive yet, but I'm guessing within the next 2 weeks.

Looks like Jenny is moving to Chicago after all to room with our family friend. The friend is expecting her to move in on 8/8, but I think it will be later in the week so Deb can drive down in a second car, since Jonny works M-W of that week and needs the car for work. But, one way or another, looks like both kids will be gone by 8/19, the day Jonny gets moved into his dorm.

So the week of 8/21 is looming large as a week of real change in our house. I hope I have the capacity by then to be a help and not a drain - I think I'll be needed for a shoulder to cry on. Maybe by then I'll have stopped crying myself. :)
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